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suggestions and ideas to make TorrentiaL RIFF better

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suggestions and ideas to make TorrentiaL RIFF better Empty suggestions and ideas to make TorrentiaL RIFF better

Post by force perspective Tue Feb 04, 2020 6:10 pm

Hi guys!

Please reply with any suggestions or ideas to make the TorrentiaL RIFF show better.

A few suggestions were:
don't make videos longer than 10min.
Pick my favorite tracks off the record i review

what are your thoughts or ideas?

subscribe to TorrentiaL RIFF click here
force perspective
force perspective
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suggestions and ideas to make TorrentiaL RIFF better Empty Re: suggestions and ideas to make TorrentiaL RIFF better

Post by /< Wed Feb 05, 2020 10:18 pm

I have checked out your YouTube channel several times, and I really appreciate and enjoy your reviews.  Some things that I appreciate about your channel:  It's basic and down-to-earth... You're not yelling and amped up as many other reviewers are on different channels.  Your channel is not frenetic; I find the "meat-and-potatoes" information refreshing... there's no excess babbling.  I like the perspective that you shoot from:  The focus is on the album art, production, information and music.  It allows the viewer to "be" in the room with you as if we're perusing the album together.  I've enjoyed being able to peer inside each album along with you (with one caveat: I was hoping to get a glimpse inside the Worldview album.  Lol!).

I'm glad that you compare remasters with the original releases and former remasters: It helps one make an informed decision on whether an upgrade is merited or not.  I also appreciate that you speak your honest opinion with the releases:  Several times you've mentioned that - in your opinion - the sonic variances are so slight that an upgrade isn't of great import.  It's also just cool to see a "boom-box" again... Your PC-101 is a bit like a mascot now!

In summary as a viewer:  I ask that you wouldn't change a thing.  Your timing and pace has always seemed just right.  If the timing has exceeded ten minutes, it's only because we're exploring information and comparing albums... Heck, sometimes you're having to compare three releases.  A few minutes over the ten mark is worth it to me when gleaning album information (extra songs, inside album art, etc...).  I hope you are encouraged, and I thank you again for your dedication with the reviews.  I, for one, am enjoying your channel.  Blessings and rock on!
Seasoned Guardian
Seasoned Guardian

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suggestions and ideas to make TorrentiaL RIFF better Empty Re: suggestions and ideas to make TorrentiaL RIFF better

Post by force perspective Wed Feb 05, 2020 10:45 pm

Wow thanks for all of your feedback! I admit that i have been surprised how well the show is being received. Even the artists i review are thanking me for talking about their music. As you know, I'm just using my phone which is low production show but i think it weirdly adds to the charm of the show. I'm doing this for the love of our small community "christian metal". I know this show will never get big and thats fine, I'm not doing this for the money, I'm doing this for us!

Funny, when i just rewatched WORLDVIEW i yelled at myself because i forgot to look inside the booklet.  Razz

I will be trying a few new things in the future but not any major changes to show. Thanks again for all your support. I will also be doing giveaways and sharing some underground christian metal bands to my subscribers.

Rock On!
force perspective
force perspective
Metal Warrior
Metal Warrior

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suggestions and ideas to make TorrentiaL RIFF better Empty Re: suggestions and ideas to make TorrentiaL RIFF better

Post by crucifyd Thu Feb 06, 2020 2:03 am

I concur with... uh...forwardslash  ; )

as far as the phone, I don't think I would have noticed you were using a phone if I hadn't seen it in reflections of the jewel boxes...

I like what you are doing, keep it up!
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suggestions and ideas to make TorrentiaL RIFF better Empty Re: suggestions and ideas to make TorrentiaL RIFF better

Post by Superjuice Sun Feb 09, 2020 7:02 pm

Better cd player/sound system maybe?  I'm not sure if it'll make a difference since you're recording with a phone.  I don't know, maybe that's a high end player and I'm just unaware.  Oh, here's a suggestion: better preparation.  Listen through the cd once beforehand so you know what tracks/parts to play and write it down to read it off somewhere.  I just watched one where you had a rough time finding the track you wanted to feature.  Have a small script to read off-camera for reminders.

I must say you have impeccable taste:  Balance of Power, Circle of Dust, Galactic Cowboys....  doesn't get much better.  I'm sub'ed.
Holy Unblack Knight
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suggestions and ideas to make TorrentiaL RIFF better Empty Re: suggestions and ideas to make TorrentiaL RIFF better

Post by Black Rider Sun Feb 09, 2020 8:37 pm

I like the boombox, takes me back.
Black Rider
Black Rider
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