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Not really a collection, but a hobby...

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Not really a collection, but a hobby... Empty Not really a collection, but a hobby...

Post by Driven Sat May 05, 2012 2:24 pm

I like roads. Razz

I'm interested in how human activity has changed landscape, and specifically how constructing roads has changed a lot. I guess it's because I live right next to the Trans-Canada highway, where the present highway is only 30 years old; the stretch I live near goes right through a former intersection, which means the geography of the area is massively altered.

As well, I collect area (Renfrew County, ON) road maps within the past hundred years. They hold some value for me, as I like to see how things were before the local bypass was constructed, and more.

Anyone else into roads and stuff?

(there's another reason for people to consider me weird!)
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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Not really a collection, but a hobby... Empty Re: Not really a collection, but a hobby...

Post by Guest Mon May 07, 2012 12:05 pm

I'm not really into roads that much...but that's cool that you are. Very Happy


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Not really a collection, but a hobby... Empty Re: Not really a collection, but a hobby...

Post by nerf_herder4444 Tue May 08, 2012 9:08 pm

Im actually really bad with roads. I usually remember how to get places by the landmarks. an example would be like, "the nearest wallmart is down the road that has the Chinese restaurant on it"
Metal Warrior
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Not really a collection, but a hobby... Empty Re: Not really a collection, but a hobby...

Post by Driven Sat May 12, 2012 7:55 am

Random road thought…

If you have driven to Ottawa from the west, you may know that the 4-lane highway only starts at Arnprior. 10 years ago, it started at a small town named Panmure, about 10 miles east. A new alignment was built to the south, instead of simply twinning the highway. Because I was (legitimately) only 6 or 7 when they built the extension, I hardly remember anything of the old road.

Well, my dad and I felt like going down the old highway for the heck of it. And so we did. He pointed out landmarks, like the canoe manufacturer he'd got his from, and a well-known truck stop that has since moved to Arnprior. It felt like Route 66, but not. Razz

I know, I'm weird… I hope to get a convertible someday just to drive down side roads and stuff.
Holy Unblack Knight
Holy Unblack Knight

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