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Me and my church

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Me and my church Empty Me and my church

Post by ThomasEversole Thu Sep 21, 2017 11:57 am

Me and my church could use some prayers.
I haven't been to my church in a while. Sad

Its not because of some excuse or whatever, but.... my pastor doesn't have enough income to just be a minister, so he has to work a full time job through the week. Needless to say, because of that, Wednesday night Celebrate Recovery and Sunday Night bible study are canceled until further notice.
Those were what I attended because Sunday mornings, I work. ._.

I'm not sure what to do. Wait it out until something changes? Find a new church?
It was hard enough (after a 10 year hiatus from attending services) to join a small church... it will be even harder to find something else. (for some reason, going to another church would feel sort of like "betraying" mine, not to mention a whole new gauntlet of people to not horrify when they meet me)

Prayers would be appreciated. Thank you,
Holy Unblack Knight
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Me and my church Empty Re: Me and my church

Post by eatbugs Fri Sep 22, 2017 2:40 am

Prayers for wisdom about this!

That's a tough one.  Not knowing you or your church the obvious answer is to find a new one.  If it's not meeting your needs and there's a better one in the area, go there.  That's an outsider's perspective, so don't put too much stock in it.

Holy Unblack Knight
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Me and my church Empty Re: Me and my church

Post by Markus1987 Fri Sep 22, 2017 3:40 am

Will pray for you and your church, bro. These are economically hard times, so I understand why your pastor has to have a full time job.

As much as you love your current church, you really need to focus on your personal relationship with God. But going to church and to be connected with your brothers and sisters in Christ is also very important. So if your church doesn't meet your needs right now, try to go to another church. It doesn't mean, that you have to LEAVE the church that you belong to.
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Me and my church Empty Re: Me and my church

Post by ThomasEversole Fri Sep 22, 2017 1:57 pm

eatbugs wrote:If it's not meeting your needs and there's a better one in the area, go there.  That's an outsider's perspective, so don't put too much stock in it.

Markus1987 wrote:So if your church doesn't meet your needs right now, try to go to another church. It doesn't mean, that you have to LEAVE the church that you belong to.

I appreciate the feedback gents. One thing to mention though, I live in a "village" - not even considered a town. My church is literally a 2 minute walk through the alley. There are several other churches in proximity to where I live, but they're "corporations". Huge massive churches with large buildings to hold hundreds of people.

I don't have social anxiety, but I find the smaller/fewer members setting to be less of a distraction on so many levels...
Holy Unblack Knight
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Me and my church Empty Re: Me and my church

Post by Athanasius Tue Sep 26, 2017 9:09 pm

I'll pray for both you and your church.  I sympathize with you because I'm also trying to come to a decision of my own about where to attend to church.  I don't go for big corporate-style churches either.  I think there are some good points to them, but they're definitely not for everyone.
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